Saturday, January 24, 2009

Cliche Party

Ready for a cliche?
Well heads up.

I don't understand women. Not at all. I just don't get them.
What does too nice mean? Really? Can someone tell me? Clue me in. Leave a post if you have an idea.
That's not something you ever hear a guy say about a girl.
"Hey man, whatever happened to Jackie, she was hot."
"Yeah, dude, about she was just too damn nice."
No. It doesn't happen. Sure, you see guys abuse nice girls, generally treat them like dirt, but we do not push something away because its just too amazing.
Second, what is so difficult about communicating-when it's needed and or wanted, when it's asked for? When a guy wants silence, or just to be left alone, he can't get away from her voice. Oh no, she has something to say then. Lots to say. She wants to talk about her needs. About what she wants. About what he never delivers or should deliver or isn't capable of delivering. Lots of delivering and giving and such. But ask a girl in the bedroom what she wants, and suddenly it's like trying to pull open a two-ton clam shell with your bare hands. It's not happening, so just give up.
Ask your girlfriend about what she wants for Christmas, or her birthday. You might get a general idea, but screw her telling you anything that will actually help. No, you have to con her into going shopping with you, then talk her out of buying something so you can swing by later and pick it up, praying all the while that she isn't doing the exact same thing.
Or maybe you're in a fight, and you're just too damn stupid to know what about, or what you did wrong. Sometimes, we just don't know-we can't, because we use logic, and logic is stupid. But don't bother asking her what's wrong, because she knows you already know, and if you don't know, well you should-and she's certainly not telling. You'll just have to suffer for the rest of the week, pine away on the bench because the coach isn't putting you in.
Don't argue, but don't be patronizing, know everything about her intuitively, but treat her like she is a mystery to be unraveled.
Treat her like a person, but let her know you think shes a goddess-or at the very least a princess.
Women are nothing but walking conundrums wrapped in an attractive coating. They are the Venus Flytrap of the human world. And they enjoy every moment of it.


  1. "Aw, you're too nice" means "I am putting you in the friend platform, right now, and we will never have sex because you are not exciting enough."

    And yes, dudes do tell girls they are too nice, but they either mean "you aren't pretty enough to date" or the much better and more practical "you are letting assholes take advantage of you, stop it."

    You just need to date artists or something. They're sensitive and moody, and have the exact same problems you do.

  2. Trish, there is a good chance you are the coolest girl ever. I also agree, and if I ever re-approach that post, which I will, I'll add in your insights. ^^

  3. I suppose a guy saying "you're too nice", would be along the lines of a girl telling a guy, "You're such a good friend!"

    For some reason I've noticed that most guys always say they want the girls that will treat them well and be "nice" to them But, they always end up dating the ones that have them so whipped they don't even realize they've lost all ability to think for themselves.

    I never could figure out why...

  4. Yeah, we don't usually talk but I'm creepy so I read this.

    "You're too nice" is really just "We're going to be friends until you start ignoring me. Then maybe you have a shot."

    Girls want the present to come from the heart, but only if your heart tells you something they secretly want. Because we like to over-complicate things. For fun.
